Prior DUI Convictions

Have a criminal history of DUI?

If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI, it can come back to bite you.  A history of DUI can result in increased jail time, fines, and penalties on your driver's license.  See 2nd DUI conviction, 3rd DUI conviction, and felony DUI conviction for more information about the increased penalties you could be facing.  The impact of prior convictions depends on how old your prior convictions are.  And, unbelievably, your prior convictions could be used against you in the current case and presented to the jury! 

How can my prior DUI's be used against me in my current case?

If your prior DUI's occurred within 10 years of your current case, they could be used to increase your punishment, even making your current DUI a felony.   See 2nd DUI conviction, 3rd DUI conviction, and felony DUI conviction for more information about the increased penalties you could be facing.

On top of that, if you refused the state administered test, your prior DUI convictions could be used against you.  The Supreme Court of Georgia has recently held that if you refused in the current case, they can use prior DUI cases to show you had knowledge that refusing the test would make their case weaker. (297 Ga. 296)

What should I do if I have a history of DUI's?

A history of DUI means you are in serious legal trouble.  It is important you contact an attorney as soon as possible.  Bray Law can file the appropriate motions and may be able to get your case dismissed or reduced.  However, even if the case does need to go to trial, we can fight to keep your history of DUI out of the current case and out of the jurors ears.  Contact us today for your Free Consultation.