What is DUI Combined Influence?
In Georgia, it is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol, aerosol or glue, or any drug, in any combination, to the extent you are a less safe driver. In some cases, a driver may be under the influence of a drug, glue or aerosol, and/or alcohol at the same time. In those cases, the state may choose to charge you with DUI Combined Influence. For example, if you are driving impaired by oxycodone and alcohol, you can be charged under DUI Combined Influence. If you are driving impaired by oxycodone and xanax, you can be charged with DUI Combined Influence.
For this charge, the state does not have to show you were impaired by any of the substances alone. They only have to show beyond a reasonable doubt that the combination of the substances caused you to be a less safe driver. (O.C.G.A § 16-13-2)
What are the penalties for DUI Drugs?
The criminal penalties are the same as for all DUIs. See 1st DUI, 2nd DUI, 3rd DUI, and Felony DUI.
You could also be facing a license suspension.
I refused the test. How can they prove I had two substances in my body?
You could have refused the state administered test and still be charged with DUI Combined Influence. The state would rely on the officer's testimony as to what he smells and sees, your reactions, performance on the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs), speech, pupil size, and admissions, among other things. That is why it is important to hire Bridgett Bray because she knows how to cross-examine officer's on their lack of training. It's also important to hire Bridgett Bray so she can file motions to keep out as much evidence as possible in these cases, which could lead to a dismissal or reduction in your case.
I took the blood test. How does this affect things?
If you took the state blood test, they can see what substances were in your blood. If it was more than one, they can charge you with DUI Combined Influence alleging all those substances impaired your driving. If this is the case, you need to hire Bray Law because she has been trained by the top GBI Toxicologists on how the tests are to be performed and what the results mean. She also can file motions to keep out the blood test results, which may lead to a dismissal or reduction in your case.
I am charged with DUI Combined Influence along with several other DUI Charges. Why?
Read more about why you may be charged with several counts of DUI for only one instance of driving.
Why hire Bray Law?
At Bray Law, we are trained in all types of DUI's, including alcohol, drugs, and other substances. With a Combined Influence case, the difference substances would affect the body differently. Put them all together, they affect the body in completely different ways. Bridgett Bray is trained on how different substances would affect the body and how putting them together would affect the body. Therefore, she would be able to cross-examine any expert put on the stand to testify as to your actions and how they indicated a less safe driver due to a combination of substances. Also, Bray Law would be able to file motions to keep out the evidence in your case. This could lead to a dismissal, reduction, or acquittal in your case. Contact us today for your Free Consultation.