ALS Hearings

Just because you have been arrested does not mean you are guilty.

You have only 30 days

After you have been arrested for DUI, you have only 30 days to file for a hearing to fight the suspension.  The request must be in writing and must be received within 30 days of your arrest.  The State of Georgia charges a $150 filing fee to submit the appeal.

What is an Administrative License Suspension?

ALS stands for Administrative License Suspension.  It is different than your criminal case.

After being arrested, officers are supposed to read the state implied consent card to you.  At the end of reading the card, they ask you if you want to submit to a blood, breath, or urine test (they get to pick which one).  Your answer to that question determines several things, including your license suspension.

If you refused the test, your license will be taken away for one year without the possibility of obtaining a restricted license or permit.  It's referred to as a "hard suspension."

If you consented to the test, but you tested over a certain BAC, they can suspend your license up to one year.  It is possible to get a restricted license and reinstate your driver's license after 30 days as long as you attend DUI School and pay a $210 reinstatement fee.

Even if I live out of state?

Even if you don't have a Georgia driver's license, Georgia can suspend your right to drive in Georgia and will let your home state know about the suspension.  Your home state can then honor the suspension.  The decision to suspend or not is left to the state that issued the license.  Read more about out of state DUIs.

What can I do to keep my license?

ALS appeal

The ALS hearing is a hearing before the Office of State Administrative Hearings (OSAH).  At this hearing, Bridgett Bray can fight the underlying charge or settle it with an agreement between the driver and the arresting officer.  Either way, our goal is to allow you to drive one way or the other.

The purpose of the ALS hearing is for the judge to determine several legal issues that may include:

  • Whether the arresting officer had RAS (reasonable articulate suspension) to believe that you were impaired;
  • Whether the arresting officer had RAS (reasonable articulate suspension) to believe that you actually drove while you were impaired;
  • Whether or not your driving caused and accident resulting in a serious injury or fatality;
  • Whether you were informed of your implied consent rights and understood the consequences of refusing to be tested;
    • Was the implied consent warning read correctly?
    • was the implied consent warning read timely and close in time to the arrest?
    • Did the officer present provide information to the arrested driver that was contrary to the implied consent?
    • Did the officer read the correct warning? (.08 for over 21, .02 for under 21, and .04 for commercial)
    • Did the officer fail to designate a test? (they have to pick one: blood, breath, or urine)
  • Whether or not you refused the state administered test (blood, breath, or urine);
    • Did you rescind your refusal and agree to the test and the officer ignored you or told you it was too late?
  • Whether or not your BAC test results were .08% or above if over 21 years old, .02% or above if less than 21 years old, or .04% or above if the holder of a CDL;
  • Whether the tests were administered correctly and by a qualified person;
  • Whether you knew of your right to an independent test by a qualified person of your own choosing.
    • Did you request an independent test and was not given that opportunity?

During this hearing, Attorney Bridgett Bray would be able to determine and possibly argue on your behalf that one or more of those issues were not present in your case.

Ignition Interlock Device

An alternative to the ALS hearing is to install an ignition interlock device.  There are several requirements to getting this alternative permit.

  • Application for the permit must be made with DDS within 30 days of the driver being served notice of the ALS by the arresting officer through the DS-1205 form, or—in the event of a DS-1205S form—within 30 days of receiving such notice of the ALS from DDS.
  • The license suspension cannot stem from a motor vehicle accident involving fatalities or serious injuries.
  • The driver must be licensed in Georgia and not have any other suspensions, cancellations, or revocations against his Georgia driver’s license.
  • If the driver has a Georgia commercial driver’s license (CDL), he must downgrade to a non-commercial Georgia driver’s license in order to obtain and maintain the permit.
  • The driver cannot have any prior convictions for DUI in the 5-year period preceding application for the permit.
  • The driver will be required to surrender his Georgia driver’s license to the arresting officer at time of arrest or to DDS prior to getting the permit.
  • The driver must pay a $25.00 permit fee to DDS.
  • Within 30 days, you must install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle and go to the Georgia Department of Driver Services to apply for an ignition interlock permit.
  • The interlock must be on your car for at least 120 days in the event you took the state test.
  • If you refused, the interlock must be on your vehicle for 12 months and cannot be removed for any reason, even if your case is reduced, dismissed, or resulted in a acquittal.

Because of these requirements, this option is not for everyone and is a big commitment - both financially and time-wise.  This is not an option for drivers who have had more than one DUI in the past five years, drivers with a DUI that resulted in an accident with serious injuries or fatalities, CDL drivers who need to continue to drive a vehicle that requires a commercial driver's license, drivers under the age of 21, or drivers who carry a license from another state.  Read more about interlock devices.

If you do NOT file for an ALS hearing or install an interlock, your license will be suspended.

So, what are my options?

  1. Do nothing and your license will be suspended on the 46th day. If you took the state administered test, you can get an immediate limited permit on the 46th day after arrest, when temporary permit expires, by paying $200 by mail or $210 in person, and having completed the DUI school (risk reduction course).  Full Georgia driver license can be reinstated after 120 days, if the driver submits proof of DUI school and pays the required reinstatement fee.  If you did not take the test, you will be faced with a 12 month suspension of your driver's license.
  2. File an administrative license suspension appeal for either testing over the legal limit, or an implied consent “DUI refusal” suspension. The hearing before a judge determines if the suspension is lawful.  However, also at the hearing, the officer may negotiate with your DUI lawyer and withdraw the hearing or possibly not show up for the scheduled administrative hearing in which Attorney Bridgett Bray would be able to move for the court to dismiss your license suspension.
  3. For in-state non-CDL drivers age 21 and over can pay a permit fee of $25 to get an ignition interlock installed.  They would be waiving the right to appeal the ALS suspension. The driver must abide by all ignition interlock rules, and inspection criteria for a full 12 month period if it was a refusal or a 4 month period if they took the state administered test. The interlock restricted driver cannot drive any vehicle without an interlock. No  CMV (commercial motor vehicle) can be operated with a vehicle interlock device installed. At end of the required time, he or she pays an interlock permit restriction removal fee to Georgia DDS, and get the ignition breathalyzer device taken off. This fee is $90 by mail, or $100 if done in person.


This is why it is important to get in contact with Bray Law as soon as possible so we can step in and protect your rights.  We want you to be able to get back to your life.  That's why we fight to get you back on the road with a valid license.